The Rt Hon Stephen McPartland

Stevenage has the highest rate of Dementia diagnosis in Hertfordshire, as this condition is affecting more and more local families. Help is at hand as people living with Dementia and their carers in Stevenage can now benefit from the appointment of Tia Davolls, an Admiral Nurse, to help provide families with the emotional and practical support they need.

Stephen McPartland, Member for Parliament for Stevenage, introduced Tia and gave his backing to the local pilot scheme when they visited Al's Café which provides a carer-friendly community.

Stephen commented, "I believe that it is very important to help people living with Dementia and their carers achieve improved quality of life through help such as that offered by Tia in her new role as a local Admiral Nurse. The benefits are clear to see and really add value as well as preventing isolation, socialising and sharing experiences when getting together. This is a pilot scheme and Tia needs 80 families in Stevenage to sign up to her free service for it to be judged a success and have the potential to continue for years to come."

Tia said, “I feel very proud to be part of the Admiral Nurse team, working with a group of carers whose own needs are not always recognised. Carers are essential in the care of their loved ones, but there can be significant consequences to their own health from the physical and emotional stress of caring. I have always had a great admiration for carers so I’m passionate about helping them have a voice, so that both they and the people they are caring for get the right support at the earliest opportunity.”

Working for Carers in Hertfordshire, Tia is a registered mental health nurse specialising in dementia. Her work aims to improve the health and wellbeing of carers and enable families to understand the impact of dementia, manage everyday life in the best way possible, be supported with decisions as the condition progresses and plan for the future in a positive way. The Admiral Nurse post has been funded by People’s Health Trust, using money raised by HealthCourage through The Health Lottery.

If you would like some personal advice from Tia, please contact her on 01992 58 69 69, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Al's Café, at the Glaxo Day Hospital within the Lister Hospital, offers carers an opportunity to socialise every Monday evening as well as sharing experiences and information.