The Rt Hon Stephen McPartland

Residents of Lonsdale Court in the Pin Green area of Stevenage are suffering the effects of poor quality maintenance work which is carried out inefficiently.  Stephen McPartland, MP for Stevenage, was called in to hear how Stevenage Borough Council forces leaseholders to pay for work that is sub-standard or has not been carried out. Stephen was shocked to discover that a recent example included Stevenage Borough Council losing the padlock to a purpose-built access door, so a whole series of scaffolding was erected instead.

Stephen commented, "Access to the roof is easy through the door, but for whatever reason, no-one could be bothered to unlock the padlock to use the door and were happy to put up two levels of scaffolding and charge the leaseholders.  I have been shown many other examples of poor quality maintenance which is reducing the quality of living for all residents. Stevenage Borough Council should be ensuring work is carried out to a proper standard and in a way that is efficient and does not burn through leaseholders' money. I will be seeking answers to the situation with maintenance work at Lonsdale Court, and would urge leaseholders with similar concerns to come forward with examples I can take up on their behalf. Leaseholders paying massive charges is ridiculous and cannot be allowed to continue."