The Rt Hon Stephen McPartland

Stephen McPartland, MP for Stevenage, was welcomed at last Saturday's Stevenage Farmers Market.  The market is held at the White Lion Yard off the High Street and offers a range of products from locally-based stallholders. There was a festive feel, with local Councillor Jamie Fraser taking on the town crier role.   Stephen and Jamie are standing in front of a Fowler traction engine owned by John Saunders of Stotfold which was very generously made available for the day.

The market has been going for almost four years under its current formation, building on a tradition going back 100's of years.  The Stevenage Farmers Market Committee is a non-profit making committee with the aim of helping to revitalise Stevenage High Street as a shopping centre. If you would like any further information on the market please see the website at