The Rt Hon Stephen McPartland

Stephen McPartland was delighted to visit the MBDA site in Gunnels Wood Road. “I was pleased to be able to meet a number of the young people on the Business Trainee and Engineering Apprenticeship schemes some of whom were previously at school in Stevenage”,

Stephen added, “MBDA is an excellent example of the benefits of an apprentice scheme, but places on such schemes are very few in number.  Labour have failed on skills. There are too many young people that are not in any kind of education, employment or training (NEET), and the number of people starting apprenticeships is falling fast. A Conservative government will provide a massive expansion in the provision of apprenticeships and training places and make it easier for companies to run apprenticeships.  Complementary to this will be more college places and  better careers advice including a trained careers adviser in every secondary school and college.”

MBDA is an important employer, with a long history in Stevenage, with much of the design and development work being undertaken here.  It has a long-term partnering arrangement with the UK MoD for the development and supply of new complex weapons to the UK Armed Forces. MBDA’s position as a global player is a testament to the innovative approach and enthusiasm of its staff, and through the training, apprenticeship and mentoring schemes, these values are being passed on to the next generation of young people.