The Rt Hon Stephen McPartland

Stephen McPartland visited Woodlands View care home in Poplars this week and heard from residents and staff.  More than 75% of the places are funded by the NHS, with separate facilities provided for dementia and nursing care.

“The work of the staff here is vital in providing the residents with a home from home”, said Stephen, “Referral to care homes is often from hospital and the Conservatives at Herts County Council are leading the way in more joined up health care so that people are moved out of hospitals faster and into care homes.  This is much better for individuals who receive the specialisied care they need and more effective for the NHS, who can focus on treating medical conditions.”

A Conservative government would go further and spread the NHS tariff so that funding follows patients’ choices.  “We will strengthen the role of GPs by allowing them to hold patients’ budgets and to commission care on their behalf.  For those with a chronic illness or long-term condition we will combine the health and social care funding so individuals can have provision tailored to their needs.”